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KIAM Preprint № 73, Moscow, 2019
Authors: Bakhvalov P.A., Surnachev M.D.
Linear schemes with several degrees of freedom for the 1D transport equation
We consider linear schemes with several degrees of freedom for the 1D transport equation. The solution error possesses the estimate O(hp + thq) where p is equal to or greater by one than the truncation error order and q>=p (for the discontinuous Galerkin method p = k+1 and q = 2k+1 where k is the order of polynomials). We prove that this estimate holds if and only if there exists a mappingof smooth functions on the mesh space providing the q-th order of the truncation error and deviating from the standard mapping (L2-projection for example) by O(hp). This fact leads to an algorithm establishing the optimal values p and q for a given scheme.
consistency and accuracy, superconvergence
Publication language: russian,  pages: 40
Research direction:
Mathematical problems and theory of numerical methods
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About authors:
  • Bakhvalov Pavel Alexeevisch, RAS
  • Surnachev Mikhail Dmitriyevich, RAS