Fluctuations of a charge on melted drops of silicon carbide during condensation
Computr simulation on the base of solution the kinetic equations in partial derivatives of Fokker -Planck equation for nucleation of phase transition gives us a nonequilibrium distribution of sizes clusters arising at during unstable clustering of vapores in plasma and taking into account the criterion of Raylayth instability which is limiting growth of drops due to accumulation of strains into them which leads to dispertion. The clustering is represented by a diffusion process given by a stochastic differential equation in the sense of Stratonovich, the instant moments of clusters dispergation are presented by random jumps. Algorithms of the generalized Rozenbrok method of stochastic molecular dynamics for continuous trajectories had been supplemented by statistical algorithms of flows of Poisson. Probability density distribution from the sizes and dispersion are related with a charge fluctuations on clusters. Such estimations for silicon carbide are important for the receiving of both: nanodimensional amorphous powders and thin cover.
Averina Tatyana Alexandrovna, ata@osmf.sscc.ru, Институт вычислительной математики и математической геофизики СО РАН; Новосибирский государственный университет