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KIAM Preprint № 48, Moscow, 2016
Authors: Boiko A.V., Demyanko K.V., Kuzmin D.A., Mierka O., Nechepurenko Yu.M., Rivkind L.P.
Numerical modeling of generation and propagation of Gӧrtler vortices
Using a recent experiment on a local generation and propagation of Gӧrtler vortices different issues of numerical modeling of the wind tunnel experiments to study the stability of subsonic flows of viscous incompressible fluid are discussed. Further development of the finite element FEATFLOW package for such modeling is outlined and substantiated.
viscous incompressible fluid flows, Gӧrtler vortices, parabolized equations, direct numerical simulation, localized source of disturbances, linearized boundary conditions
Publication language: russian,  pages: 37
Research direction:
Theoretical and applied problems of mechanics
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About authors:
  • Boiko Andrey Vladislavovich,,  ИТПМ им. С.А. Христиановича СО РАН; Тюменский индустриальный университет
  • Demyanko Kirill Vyacheslavovich,  kirill-demyanko@yandex.ruKIAM RAS
  • Kuzmin Dmitri Aleksandrovich,,  Технический университет Дортмунда
  • Mierka Otto,,  Технический университет Дортмунда
  • Nechepurenko Yuri Mikhailovich,,  ИВМ РАН
  • Rivkind Lyudmila Petrovna,,  Технический университет Дортмунда