Black holes and generalized relativistic billiards
It is given the justification of the existence of black holes. This justification is based on the notation of generalized relativistic billiard. A generalized relativistic billiard is the following dynamical system: a particle moves under the influence of some force fields in the interior of a domain with pseudo-Riemannian metric, and as the particle hits the boundary of the domain, its velocity is transformed as if the particle underwent an elastic collision from a moving wall, considered in the framework of the special theory of relativity. We study a periodic and ``monotone'' action of the boundary. We prove that in both cases under some general conditions the invariant manifold in the velocity phase space of the generalized relativistic billiard, where the point velocity equals the velocity of light, is an exponential attractor or contains one, and for an open ser of initial conditions the particle energy tends to infinity.
Billiard, black hole, generalized billiard, relativistic billiard
Publication language:russian, pages:36
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics