Numerical solution of equations describing the radiation transport and interaction of radiation with matter
When calculating a large number of problems in physics and mechanics of defining processes is the transfer of photon emission and the interaction of radiation with matter. This article describes a numerical method for solving one-dimensional system of equations describing the radiation transport and interaction of radiation with matter. The radiation transport is considered in the approximation of spectral, equilibrium quasi-diffusion. In this system difficult to record the relaxation of energy between matter and radiation, so that the scheme was implicit (otherwise it would be a fine time step) and the condition of balance.
Considered in the paper the difference scheme satisfies these conditions.
The essence of the numerical method is splitting the difference equations for its solution. The whole system is split into two parts: the first describes the spectral radiation transfer, and the second change in the energy of matter and radiation as a result of their interaction. For the second system recorded three difference schemes. A comparison of the results obtained by these schemes, with analytical solutions and known solutions.
Publication language:russian, pages:15
Research direction:
Mathematical problems and theory of numerical methods