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KIAM Preprint № 4, Moscow, 1994
Authors: Bruno A. D., Petrovich V.Yu.
Regularization of satellite`s oscillations on a very stretched orbit
We consider the ordinary differential equation of the second order describing oscillations of a satellite in a plane of its elliptical orbit. The equation contains two parameters: e and м. It is regular for 0< е < 1 and singular for е=1. We suggest a method of a regularization of the singularity. By means of the regularization, we have computed symmetric (odd) periodic solutions for values e close to one. In particular, we have found a new family of critical (Tr = 2) periodic solutions existing only for e > 0.98. Results are given in Tables and Figures.
Publication language: russian,  pages: 16
Research direction:
Theoretical and applied problems of mechanics
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About authors:
  • Bruno Alexander Dmitrievich, RAS
  • Petrovich V. Yu.,  KIAM RAS