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Article, Berlin, Germany, 2007
Springer Verlag, Pillars of Computer Science: Essays Dedicated to Boris (Boaz) Trakhtenbrot on the Occasion of His 85th Birthday.Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Authors: Valiev M.K., Дехтярь М.И., Диковский А.Я.
Temporal Verification of Probabilistic Multi-Agent Systems
Probabilistic systems of interacting intelligent agents are considered. They have two sources of uncertainty: uncertainty of communication channels and uncertainty of actions. We show how such systems can be polynomially transformed to finite state Markov chains. This allows to transfer known results on verifying temporal properties of the finite state Markov chains to the probabilistic multi-agent systems of considered type.
Publication language: english,  pages: 10
Research direction:
Programming, parallel computing, multimedia
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About authors:
  • Valiev M. K.,  KIAM RAS
  • Дехтярь М.И.
  • Диковский А.Я.