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Article, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2006
Elsevier Science, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, №141
Authors: Valiev M.K., Дехтярь М.И., Диковский А.Я.
On complexity of verification of interacting agents' behavior
This paper studies the complexity of behavior of multi-agent systems.Behavior properties are formulated using classical temporal logic languages and are checked with respect to the transition system induced by the definition of the multi-agent system. We establish various tight complexity bounds of the behavior properties under natural structural and semantic restrictions on agent programs and actions.
Multi-Agent Systems, temporal logics, mu-calculus,model checking, computational complexity
Publication language: english,  pages: 46
Research direction:
Programming, parallel computing, multimedia
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About authors:
  • Valiev M. K.,  KIAM RAS
  • Дехтярь М.И.
  • Диковский А.Я.