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Article, 2003
Designs, Codes and Cryptography,vol.28, no.2, 265-282
Authors: Helleseth T., Klove T., Levenshtein V.I.
Hypercubic 4 and 5-designs from double-error-correcting BCH codes
An ordered orthogonal array OOA(τ,k,n) is a binary 2k × nτ matrix with the property that for each complete τ-set of columns, each possible τ-tuple occurs in exactly 2k-τ rows of those columns (for definition of a complete τ-set, see in the paper). OOA(τ,k,n) give uniformly distributed sets of points in continuous unit cube. The best known constructions of OOA(τ,k,n) for τ=4 and τ=5 are given which are obtained with the help of BCH codes.
ordered orthogonal arrays, codes, designs, uniform distribution, BCH codes.
Publication language: english
Research direction:
Mathematical problems and theory of numerical methods
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About authors:
  • Helleseth T.
  • Klove T.
  • Levenshtein V. I.,  KIAM RAS