Visualization of Supersonic Flow Around Wing Tandem
The paper presents the analysis results of the supersonic flow around a wings tandem using the methods of scientific visualization. Two tandem configurations were considered, differing from each other by the vertical position of the generator wing relative to the plane of symmetry of the main wing. The data are obtained as a result of numerical simulations carried out with the Mach number of the incoming flow M? = 3. In the model the wings were straight, rectangular in plan with sharp front, side and trailing edges with the same chord and the span of the main wing exceeding the span of the generator wing by two times. The generator wing was located at an attack angle of 10° degrees to the incoming flow, the main wing is located at zero attack angle. The simulation was carried out on the basis of URANS equations with the Spalart-Allmaras (SA) turbulence model. Numerical calculations were carried out on the hybrid supercomputer system K-60 at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS. An approach using the Liutex criterion for the vortex structures identification was applied for scientific visualization of the simulation results.
Vortex flow visualization, supersonic tip vortex, vortex visualization, wings tandem