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Conference material: "Scientific service & Internet: proceedings of the 25th All-Russian Scientific Conference (September 18-21, 2023, online)"
Authors: Mikhaylov G.M., Zhizhchenko M.A., Chernetsov A.M.
Review of domestic videoconferencing systems
The work provides an overview of some of the existing domestic video conferencing systems, and compares them with each other, with foreign analogues, as well as with freely distributed tools. The features of freely distributed systems are considered, their characteristics and disadvantages are analyzed.
videoconferencing system, Zoom, Mind, VirtualRoom, Sber Jazz, Yandex Telemost
Publication language: russian,  pages: 6 (p. 256-261)
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About authors:
  • Mikhaylov Gury Mikhaylovich, Computing Center FRC CSC of RAS
  • Zhizhchenko Mikhail Alekseevich, Computing Center FRC CSC of RAS
  • Chernetsov Andrey Mikhailovich, Computing Center FRC CSC of RAS; Moscow Power Engineering Institute