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Conference material: "Scientific service & Internet: proceedings of the 25th All-Russian Scientific Conference (September 18-21, 2023, online)"
Authors: Baimuratov I.R., Lisanyuk E.N., Prokudin D.E.
Visualization of argumentation by software
The representation of argumentation is based on various forms of structured and non-structured presentation of arguments. Among them, graphic ones deserve special attention, since they are more expressive and, in addition to practical application, can be used for methodological purposes when teaching argumentation. With the development of information and communication technologies, since the mid-noughties of the XXI century, software has been developed designed to represent argumentation and evidence-based reasoning. Since the middle of the XX century, within the framework of research conducted by argumentation theorists, theoretical approaches to the representation of argumentation have been developed, which form the basis of the representation of argumentation by means of software. The graphical capabilities of modern hardware and software are used for visual representation of argumentation. This study examines the possibilities of existing software for visualizing argumentation. The connection of visualization with the theoretical foundations of the representation of argumentation is analyzed, its features are revealed.
argumentation, representation, visualization, software
Publication language: russian,  pages: 10 (p. 74-83)
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About authors:
  • Baimuratov Ildar Raisovich,  ITMO University
  • Lisanyuk Elena Nikolaevna, Petersburg State University
  • Prokudin Dmitry Evgenievich, Petersburg State University