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Conference material: "Academician O.B. Lupanov XIV International Scientific Seminar "Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications" (20-25 June 2022, Moscow)"
Authors: Shurygin D.M.
On length of system of summator function and comparator function in a class of pseudopolynomial forms
The problem of implementing Boolean functions in polynomial forms finds applications in the synthesis of logic circuits, in discrete models of system biology. One of the classes of polynomial forms is the class pseudopolynomial forms (PSPF) - expressions that are the sum over modulo two of conjunctions of Zhegalkin polynomials of linear functions. Latest years, the properties of the implementation of Boolean functions in the class have been actively studied PSPF. One of the complexity characteristics of implementing functions in a class psf is the length - the minimum number of terms among all SSPFs that implement the function. The report will present the results of evaluation of the lengths of the system of adder functions and comparator functions in the class PSPF.
pseudopolynomial forms, summator, comparator
Publication language: russian,  pages: 3 (p. 115-117)
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