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Conference material: "Academician O.B. Lupanov XIV International Scientific Seminar "Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications" (20-25 June 2022, Moscow)"
Authors: Komyagin M.M., Malyshev F.M.
Methods of construction and differentiation of 5-configurations
We consider 5-configurations defined by their incidence matrices over the field GF(2), which must be non-degenerate and contain in each row and each column has exactly 5 ones, and the inverse the matrix must also have this property. Families are given 5-configurations isomorphic to each other on sets of greater cardinality or equal to 9.
Publication language: russian,  pages: 4 (p. 159-162)
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About authors:
  • Komyagin Maxim Mikhailovich,  LLC 'Certification Research Center'
  • Malyshev Fedor Mikhailovich,  Mathematical Institute. V.A. Steklov RAS