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Conference material: "Scientific service & Internet: proceedings of the 24th All-Russian Scientific Conference (September 19-22, 2022, online)"
Authors: Sahibgareeva G.F., Kugurakova V.V., Bolshakov E.S.
Video Game's Mechanics Generation and Balancing
. This article is a continuation of the idea about developing a gaming prototype generator from natural language text. Game balance theme, which mentioned in previous authors' papers, fully opens up from theoretical and practice standpoints. Many expert opinions and definitions were analyzed to understand the identity of that problem. As a result, a full understanding of the problem was formed and challenges were listed, which exists in this direction. The purpose of the research is automation of game-designers routine in the prototyping stage. For this, the problem of generation of game balance from text documents is solved, so a number of scientific papers are considered, which offer algorithms, optimizing and automating approaches and computer games balance. The functionality of the dynamic balance editor Machinations is presented in detail, and the principle of operations is illustrated. To check the availability of approaches in the overall collection of the prototype generator work, a number of experiments were provided. They prove effective work with exhaustive diagrams and saves important development team resources. In addition, a particular problem of formalization and visualizing connection between gameplay and plot was solved, which is justified by the context dependence of the game balance. In conclusion, plans for the further development of a full-featured tool for the game scriptwriters and designers are given. As a conclusion, we state that automatic correction of the game balance is possible as well as its generation based on text.
game balance, gameplay, game mechanics, game mechanics automatic balancing, game design, game scenario writing, scenario prototype, scenario prototype generation, Machinations
Publication language: russian,  pages: 31 (p. 455-485)
Russian source text:
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About authors:
  • Sahibgareeva Gulnara Faritovna, of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems of Kazan Federal University
  • Kugurakova Vlada Vladimirovna, of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems of Kazan Federal University
  • Bolshakov Edward Sergeevich, of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems of Kazan Federal University