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Conference material: "Scientific service & Internet: proceedings of the 24th All-Russian Scientific Conference (September 19-22, 2022, online)"
Authors: Prokudin D.E., Kononova O.V.
Scientific Conveyor: Methodology for Supporting Research in Master's Programs
The specifics of conducting scientific research in the humanitarian field are characterized by their interdisciplinary orientation, which makes it urgent to select priority topics on the studied issues. A particularly important aspect of conducting scientific research in the master's degree is the reasonable choice of digital resources for the collection and subsequent analysis of textual data. To increase the efficiency of interdisciplinary scientific research, we present the author's approach, which we have called a Scientific Conveyor, which can act as a methodology for organizing research in the master's degree. The article reveals the definition of Scientific Conveyor and describes its main elements. The application of Scientific Conveyor in scientific activity in the direction of the master's degree 37.04.02 'Conflictology' at St. Petersburg State University is described.
Scientific Conveyor, synthetic method, integrated approach, interdisciplinarity, scientific research, master's degree, conflictology
Publication language: russian,  pages: 15 (p. 419-433)
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About authors:
  • Prokudin Dmitry Evgenievich, Petersburg State University; ITMO University; Center digital society research
  • Kononova Olga Vitalievna, University; Center digital society research