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Conference material: "Scientific service & Internet: proceedings of the 24th All-Russian Scientific Conference (September 19-22, 2022, online)"
Authors: Gorodnyaya L.V.
Memory processing in the programming language for educational purposes SYNHRO
The article is devoted to a number of solutions for organizing work with data in the SYNHRO programming language, aimed at teaching the preparation of multi-threaded programs over shared memory. The focus of attention is on the model of work in terms of inheriting the ideas of functional programming when it is necessary to ensure the performance of multiprocessor programs.
programming training, virtual machine, instruction set, functional programming, data recovery, memory freeing
Publication language: russian,  pages: 18 (p. 137-154)
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About authors:
  • Gorodnyaya Lidia Vasiljevna, Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems SBRAS; Novosibirsk State University