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Conference material: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision “Graphicon” (19-21 September 2022, Ryazan)"
Authors: Rybina N.V., Alpatov A.V., Rybin N.B., Maslov A.A.
Determination of Surface Structural Complexity of Solid-State Materials
In this paper we analyzed methods of investigating structure features in solid-state materials and developed a new algorithm for determining the surface structural complexity of these materials based on the two-dimensional detrended fluctuation analysis and the scale-space analysis. It is proposed to evaluate the surface structural complexity by calculating tangent of the angle of the fluctuation – spatial scale function and number of breakpoints on the fluctuation – spatial scale function. The developed algorithm was tested on the surface image of the Si layer implanted by Ag+ ions, subjected to the pulsed laser annealing. We found that investigated surface belongs to the type of surfaces with a high structural complexity. It was also shown that the scaling index – smoothing coefficient (scale) dependence can be used to study the dynamics of changes in the correlation properties of the surface. Knowledge about surface structural complexity of solid-state materials can be used to determine the material functional purpose in different fields of science.
Surface structural complexity, two-dimensional detrended fluctuation analysis, scale-space analysis, solid-state materials
Publication language: english,  pages: 8 (p. 1012-1019)
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About authors:
  • Rybina Natalia Vladimirovna,,  Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin
  • Alpatov Alexey Viktorovich,,  Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin
  • Rybin Nikolai Borisovich,,  Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin
  • Maslov Alexei Alekseevich,  Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin