Conference material: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision “Graphicon” (19-21 September 2022, Ryazan)"
Authors:Dianova Yu.V., Dianov S.A.
Project Bases of the use of Russian CAD in the Process of Teaching Geometric and Graphic Disciplines
The article considers traditional and modern approaches to the content of the academic discipline 'Engineering Geometry and Computer Graphics'. The need for such changes is dictated by the increased demand (including the development program 'Advanced Engineering Schools') for the training of highly qualified engineering personnel. The organization of educational process for teaching the disciplines of engineering-graphic training requires appropriate software. In modern conditions, the possibility of using CAD in educational classes is determined by the condition of domestic product development. It is also proposed to introduce an applied component based on virtual reality technology into the teaching methodology. The choice of software - T-flex CAD together with T-flex VR, which will allow the student to design his or her own models for further work in the virtual environment, is substantiated. The arguments in favor of this software complex, based on the prospects and relevance of design solutions for modern engineering education, are given. A list of topics and types of classes that are appropriate to implement in the development of the mentioned discipline is formulated. As a practical example, the problem of constructing projections of a segment in electronic format for demonstration in the VR-environment is described. Conclusions are made about the prospects of implementing T-flex CAD and VR to provide the training discipline 'Engineering Geometry and Computer Graphics' for students of the Aerospace Department of Perm Polytechnic University.