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Conference material: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision “Graphicon” (27-30 September 2021, Nizhny Novgorod)"
Authors: Khranilov V.P., Misevich P.V., Pankratova E.N., Ermilov A.E.
Hierarchy of concepts and models for creating and maintaining software throughout the life cycle
The article is devoted to the positioning of modern approaches, concepts and models to the complex issues of the development of automated systems and their support throughout the life cycle. The topic is relevant for the creators of modern computer graphics software and hardware complexes and software-hardware complexes at the stages of their design and support. A hierarchy of universal concepts for building software and hardware is described in the paper. The first level consists of the concept of system intellectualization, the concept of software and hardware globalization, the systems concept, the concept of the support for systems during the life cycle, the concept of open systems, the object-oriented approach, and others and etcetera. The second level consists of the concept of the situation approach, the scenario approach, the scenario-situational approach, the logistics approach, the multi-agent approach, and etcetera. The third level of the hierarchy consists of the concept of abstraction hierarchies, the concept of aggregations, the concept of generalizations (DB), the concept of normalizations, the concept of semantic networks, the concept of frame networks, the concept of multimedia frame networks (remote control and monitoring systems), the concept of networks of frames with fuzzy logic and etcetera. The article is based on works in the field of system analysis, ACS, CAD and knowledge representation systems and artificial intelligence.
automated systems, concept hierarchies, information models, systems concept, networks of frames with fuzzy logic, multimedia frame networks, logistics approach, scenario-situational approach
Publication language: russian,  pages: 7 (p. 131-137)
Russian source text:
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About authors:
  • Khranilov Valery Pavlovich,  ,  NNSTU n.a. R.E.Alekseev
  • Misevich Pavel Valerievich,  ,  NNSTU n.a. R.E.Alekseev
  • Pankratova Elena Nikolaevna,  ,  NNSTU n.a. R.E.Alekseev
  • Ermilov Andrey Eduardovich,  ,  NNSTU n.a. R.E.Alekseev