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Conference material: "Scientific service & Internet: proceedings of the 23rd All-Russian Scientific Conference (September 20-23, 2021, online)"
Authors: Nizomutdinov B.A., Kazak V.A.
Assessment of the accessibility of improvement facilities for low-mobility groups of the population based on reviews in social networks
Today, social networks play a huge role in the life of a modern person Moreover, people can not only communicate in this way, but also share tips, professional skills, promote their services, buy goods, and so on. Every day, a huge amount of information appears in social networks. People ask questions about their future trips, share their travel experiences, talk about local attractions, post photos, praise or scold restaurants, museums and any other objects of the urban environment. In this paper, we consider a method for assessing the availability of urban improvement facilities for low-mobility groups of the population based on data from their social networks The study was conducted on the example of the Petrogradsky district of St. Petersburg. 25 objects of urban improvement (parks, gardens, squares) were selected, and reviews from Google Maps were uploaded for each object. A dictionary describing the accessibility of objects was prepared and a database search was conducted to find problems related to accessibility for low-mobility groups of the population that users write about. All reviews were depersonalized and depersonalized. Such data can be used by the city authorities when planning new facilities, or when implementing targeted programs for the development of improvement facilities.
social networks, parsing, accessibility, accessible environment, city development
Publication language: russian,  pages: 7 (p. 244-250)
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About authors:
  • Nizomutdinov Boris Abdullochonovich,,  ITMO University
  • Kazak Vladimir Andreevich,,  ITMO