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Conference material: "Scientific service & Internet: proceedings of the 23rd All-Russian Scientific Conference (September 20-23, 2021, online)"
Authors: Mikhaylov G.M., Zhizhchenko M.A., Chernetsov A.M.
Using Pacemaker to Improve Reliability of Access to Critical Data
The problem of improving the reliability of the organization's critical access resources is discussed in this article. We consider the case of a two-node high availability cluster based on Pacemaker and a DRBD distributed file system, which ensures the operation of an organization's website and a MySQL database server in active-passive mode. The configuration is shown for most of the used HA-cluster resources.
PaceMaker, DRBD, MySQL, High-Availability Clusters
Publication language: russian,  pages: 8 (p. 228-235)
Russian source text:
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About authors:
  • Mikhaylov Gury Mikhaylovich,,  CC FRC CSC RAS
  • Zhizhchenko Mikhail Alekseevich,,  CC FRC CSC RAS
  • Chernetsov Andrey Mikhailovich,,  Dorodnicyn Computing Centre FRC CSC RAS; National Research University “MPEI”