Conference material: "Proceedings of the 4th International Conference “Futurity designing. Digital reality problems” (February 4-5, 2021, Moscow)"
Authors:Lazarevich A.A.
Digital transformation in the focus of transdisciplinarity of philosophical knowledge
From the perspective of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary synthesis, there was studied the conceptual and methodological certainty of the existing approaches to understanding digital transformation. The author proceeds from the fact that digital transformation is not only the new technology (artificial intelligence, blockchain, data analysis, Internet of things etc.), but also a deep transformation of the basics of life, the structure of organizations and enterprises, society as a whole. In other words, it is a fundamental transformation of traditional models of life organization, construction, and development of a new reality, which is not always tolerant to humans. Thus, digital transformation is considered as essential characteristic of the modern era, the formation of which was influenced by a number of factors of social dynamics. The key factors are informatization and total digitalization. These processes caused formation of new sociality, which was different from the previous types of civilizational development with a sharp increase of the role of temporal and artificial component in the structure of social-biological evolution. In conditions of intensive social dynamics, choice remains an essential characteristic of new sociality. At the same time, the subjective side of social choice is changing: it is not an atomic personality, group, institution, but a high tech social practice taken from the point of view of the system of interaction of agents that realize the social-economic expediency in line with intensive innovation transformation. There is substantiated the increasing importance of modern social-humanitarian knowledge as conceptual-categorical and methodological base of reflection and prediction of the processes of formation of new sociality. In the structure of scientific-methodological reflection, there is actualized the transdisciplinary status of philosophical knowledge and its potential in connection with new instrumental-technical capabilities of cognitive practice.
informatization, digital transformation, interdisciplinary synthesis, transdisciplinarity of philosophical knowledge, technosophy, new sociality, social choice
Lazarevich Anatoly Arkadievich, ,, State Scientific Institution “Institute of philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”