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Conference material: "Scientific service & Internet: proceedings of the 22nd All-Russian Scientific Conference (September 21-25, 2020, online)"
Authors: Sahibgareeva G.F., Bedrin O.A., Kugurakova V.V.
Development of a video games scenario prototype visualization generating component
Currently, the game development industry has an effective way of prototyping the story – a scenario prototype. We formulated in our work the basis for the development of a tool that would generate a scenario prototype from text documents. To assess the realism of the goal we examined existing solutions, the experience of which we can adopt in the development of our tool. We present the current results of the work and the next prototype solution – the storyboard generator, as well as plans for further development.
scenario prototype, IDN, interactive storytelling prototyping, interactive storyboard, storyboard generation, formalized text, NLP, serious games, game documentation, game prototype, game development, computer games, video games
Publication language: russian,  pages: 23 (p. 581-603)
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About authors:
  • Sahibgareeva Gulnara Faritovna,,  Higher School of ITIS
  • Bedrin Oleg Aleksandrovich,,  Higher School of ITIS
  • Kugurakova Vlada Vladimirovna,,  Higher School of ITIS