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Conference material: "Scientific service & Internet: proceedings of the 22nd All-Russian Scientific Conference (September 21-25, 2020, online)"
Authors: Pilyasova D.D., Kononova O.V., Barkhatov D.N.
Designing a bank of digital city solutions: implementation features
The paper presents issues of design and implementation of a digital solutions bank for urban digital initiatives and Smart city projects. The idea of a digital solutions bank creation came up because of if even there are plans and programs for cities' digitalization or individual urban areas at the Federal and regional levels, there is no experience in implementing digital solutions locally and no tool for intellectual support and deliberate choice of digital solutions. The comparative analysis results of urban practices, which consider local characteristics that determine urban ecosystem uniqueness, allowed us to adapt product to the users’ needs as much as possible. Although it has been designed primarily for the education and culture needs the digital solutions bank has a widespread application. Here are the features of digital solutions bank implementation: considering experience of creating such products considering education and culture needs; using cities' typology that have taken a course towards digitalization; using identifiers of Dublin core to form the structure and meta description of the bank; constructive solutions that provide optimal indicators of responses speed to requests and system flexibility.
Bank of digital city solutions, Smart city, Education, Culture, Smart City Architecture, Typology of cities
Publication language: russian,  pages: 14 (p. 539-552)
Russian source text:
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About authors:
  • Pilyasova Daria Dmitrievna,,  ITMO University
  • Kononova Olga Vitalievna,,  ITMO University
  • Barkhatov Dmitry Nikolaevich,,  In contact