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Conference material: "Scientific service & Internet: proceedings of the 22nd All-Russian Scientific Conference (September 21-25, 2020, online)"
Authors: Kononova O.V., Prokudin D.E., Tupikina E.N.
Research of Scientific and Media Discourse in the Field of «Digital Tourism»
The dynamics of the modern information society changes the usual areas of human activity, generates various innovations based on the widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICT). In these conditions, scientific activity is also changing. Digitalization processes act as integrative to various scientific directions, based on which interdisciplinary scientific research is formed. The study of their formation and development is an important scientific task aimed at predicting the development of both science and society as a whole. In this study, based on the integrated use of ICT, we study methods for contextual analysis of the terminology base of interdisciplinary research areas on the example of the direction of tourism development in the digital age. The complex consists of the use of ICT at all stages of research: a selection of digital research resources, search for relevant sources, explication, analysis, and identification of contextual knowledge about the development of scientific and socio-political discourse about 'digital tourism'. It also compares the development of scientific interest in the field of 'digital tourism' in Russian and global scientific discourses.
information and communication technology, interdisciplinary research, digital transformations, terminology base, digital tourism
Publication language: russian,  pages: 25 (p. 424-448)
Russian source text:
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About authors:
  • Kononova Olga Vitalievna,,  ITMO University; Center digital society research
  • Prokudin Dmitry Evgenievich,,  ITMO University; St. Petersburg State University; Center digital society research
  • Tupikina Elena Nikolaevna,,  Far Eastern Federal University; Center digital society research