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Conference material: "Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference “Futurity designing. Digital reality problems” (February 6-7, 2020, Moscow)"
Authors: Bandurin V.V., Vernik P.A., Korshuk V.A.
Analysis of scientific problems of digital agricultural products cultivation
This article considers the use of innovative digital devices of a new class of “sinergotron” corresponding to the sixth technological structure for conducting scientific research on breeding, seed production and the year-round cultivation of high-quality plant products. The article analyzes the application of some breakthrough technologies in crop production for the advanced development of Russia, related to increasing the efficiency of scientific developments in this area. It is shown that the formation of new scientific knowledge in the field of plant biology, the disclosure of ways and ways to implement significant potential of plants – the main task of scientific research in the field of agriculture. A new class of digital devices sinergotron is proposed, the principal novelty of which consists in combining the principles of digital software management with the use of advanced technologies (cloud computing, artificial intelligence, big data, etc.), the possibility of creating a closed software-controlled environment for growing plants, activating factors to enhance the biological potential of plants, modularity and scalability.
crop production, breeding, seed production, closed systems, sinergotron, digital device, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, program management, closed program-controlled environment
Publication language: russian,  pages: 9 (p. 132-140)
Russian source text:
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About authors:
  • Bandurin Vladimir Vasilyevich,  ,  INPO “Institute for Development Strategies”
  • Vernik Peter Arkadyevich,  ,  INPO “Institute for Development Strategies”
  • Korshuk Vadim Alekseevich,  ,  INPO “Institute for Development Strategies”