Conference material: "Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference “Futurity designing. Digital reality problems” (February 6-7, 2020, Moscow)"
Authors:Oleynik I.V.
The social effects of technological revolutions
The history of technological development of society has begun about three centuries ago with the beginning of the first industrial revolution. In this sense, humanity is still very young and has relatively little experience of survival and adaptation to living conditions in the natural environment through the development of technology. Since the first industrial revolution, the dynamics of socio-historical development has changed its logic from a measured, due to the limits of productivity in conditions of predominantly manual labor, to mechanical, allowing to overcome the plateau of productivity of physical labor, and accelerating the process of production, distribution and marketing of resources and goods in physical space and time. The socioeconomic consequences of such technological revolutions are vast and significantly affect all areas and institutions of social life. The development of technology has changed the architectonics of space-time familiar to the preindustrial society and laid the foundation for the divergence of physical and social chronotopes. The social effects of technological transformations are not identical to the content of scientific and technological progress, they not only reflect the process of social adaptation to new technological conditions, but also outline the discourse of the axiological and worldview perception of these changes, extrapolating social predictions of the evolution of technology to utopian and anti-utopian ideas.
technology, industrial revolution, chronotope, space-time, social effects of scientific and technological progress, technological development