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Conference material: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision “Graphicon” (23-26 September 2019, Bryansk)"
Authors: Starodubtsev I.S., Samedov R.F., Gajniyarov I.M., Obabkov I.N., Antipina I.V., Zolotareva Y.V., Sibogatova A.A.
Animatronic hand using ESP8266
3D-printing technology puts the question of augmentation in rehabilitation, feedback providing and real objects interaction fields. Rapid manufacturing of prototypes and industrial designs leads to new fields appearance for 3D-printing technology. For example, there are hand prostheses, which are child-oriented, or animatronic models for communication. It is raises the question of managing physical hand in each of these tasks. This work presents the anthropomorphic hand, which is stand mounted. The main focus is on the software solution for gestures simulation. Special gesture format was developed to solve this problem. Prototype was developed by modifying open hand model ”InMoov” as a debug realization. The article presents original model part as a circuitry and 3D stand model. The issue of anthropomorphic limb control is universal. The problem is most acute among systems with accurate interaction. Our model covers this problem field.
animatronics, 3D printing, augmentation, feedback, gestures
Publication language: russian,  pages: 5 (p. 274-278)
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About authors:
  • Starodubtsev Ilya Sergeevich,  ,  Yeltsin UrFU; IMM UB RAS
  • Samedov Rustam Firuddin,  ,  IMM UB RAS
  • Gajniyarov Igor Madikhatovich,  ,  IMM UB RAS
  • Obabkov Ilya Nikolaevich,  ,  Yeltsin UrFU
  • Antipina Irina Vladimirovna,  ,  Yeltsin UrFU
  • Zolotareva Yana Vyacheslavovna,  ,  Yeltsin UrFU
  • Sibogatova Alisa Albertovna,  ,  Yeltsin UrFU