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Conference material: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision “Graphicon” (23-26 September 2019, Bryansk)"
Authors: Trifankov Yu.T., Koshlakov D.M.
Visualization in socially-humanitarian disciplines
The paper studies some methods of visualization in socially-humanitarian studies and teaching of socially-humanitarian disciplines. Two methods of visualization in social and humanitarian disciplines are considered. The first trick is based on the involvement of visual documents (photographs, newsreels, etc.). As a second method of visualization, a visual representation of knowledge is considered. Informative examples of knowledge visualization are reported. The first example is concerned with army rearmament. The second and third part is concerned with Second World War.
knowledge visualization, socially-humanitarian knowledge, visual epistemology, visual model, visualization
Publication language: russian,  pages: 4 (p. 104-107)
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About authors:
  • Trifankov Yuri Trofimovich,  ,  Bryansk State Technical University
  • Koshlakov Dmitry Mikhailovich,  ,  Bryansk State Technical University