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Conference material: "Scientific service & Internet: proceedings of the 21th All-Russian Scientific Conference (September 23-28, 2019, Novorossiysk)"
Authors: Nizomutdinov B.A., Tropnikov A.S., Uglova A.B.
Developing Prognostic Models of User's Image with the Automated Social Networks Data Processing Methods
This article presents a first phase’s results of research project, dedicated to developing prognostic models of User's Image with the automated Social Networks data processing methods. A pilot study carried out a comparative analysis of automatic methods for analyzing textual and visual data, which constituting a User's informational image. We used a correlation analysis of data, which was obtained by using parsing methods and the results of psycho diagnostic research. As a result, multiple relationships with the socio-psychological characteristics of the respondents were identified. Based on obtained data, we have concluded about acceptable predictive capabilities of automated analysis.
VK, social network site, personal traits, automated analysis
Publication language: russian,  pages: 9 (p. 532-540)
Russian source text:
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About authors:
  • Nizomutdinov Boris Abdullochonovich,,  ITMO University
  • Tropnikov Aleksandr Sergeevich,,  ITMO University
  • Uglova Anna Borisovna,  ,  The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia