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Conference material: "Scientific service & Internet: proceedings of the 21th All-Russian Scientific Conference (September 23-28, 2019, Novorossiysk)"
Authors: Legalov A.I., Legalov I.A., Matkovsky I.V.
Specifics of semantics of a statically typed language of functional and dataflow parallel programming
The features of the dataflow functional parallel programming language using static data typing are considered. The previously developed language Pifagor supports only dynamic typing, which does not provide an effective transformation of written programs into programs for modern parallel computing systems. The analysis of changes in the dataflow functional model of calculations and programming language operators with the introduction of a static type system is carried out. It is shown how changes made affect syntax and semantics. In particular, it is noted that it is necessary to use the principle of single assignment, due to the formation of data stores of a particular type, declared by analogy with variables.
programming paradigms, parallel programming, functional-dataflow parallel programming, static type system, parallel computation models, polymorphism
Publication language: russian,  pages: 12 (p. 489-500)
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About authors:
  • Legalov Alexander Ivanovich,,  Siberian Federal University
  • Legalov Igor Alexandrovich,  ,  Siberian Federal University
  • Matkovsky Ivan Vasilievich,  ,  Siberian Federal University