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Conference material: "Scientific service & Internet: proceedings of the 21th All-Russian Scientific Conference (September 23-28, 2019, Novorossiysk)"
Authors: Kononva O.V., Prokudin D.E.
The Approach to the Meta-description of the Interdisciplinary Research Terminological Landscape
There is proposed an ontological-oriented approach to the structured description of contextual knowledge, structure and meta-description of the thesaurus of individual interdisciplinary areas as part of the study on the development of an integrated approach to the analysis of the terminological base of developing interdisciplinary research. The structure of the thesaurus and meta-description of its elements are proposed to be formed on the basis of the Dublin Core Metadata elements (Dublin Core Metadata Element Set). It allows using the thesauri for automated search and identification of contextual knowledge by search engines. In the applied aspect during the complex research of methods and tools of search and explication of contexts of arrays of scientific information, visualization of hierarchical and associative relations between terms there is proposed the method of creation of open access electronic archives for the purpose of further replenishment, systematization and study of contextual knowledge. Description of contextual knowledge based on Dublin Core allows automated exchange of meta-descriptions using the standard OAI-PMH Protocol.
contextual knowledge, synthetic method, thesauri, meta-description, Dublin Core, OAI-PMH
Publication language: russian,  pages: 13 (p. 456-468)
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About authors:
  • Kononva Olga Vitalievna,,  ITMO University
  • Prokudin Dmitry Evgenievich,,  ITMO University; Saint-Petersburg State University