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Conference material: "Scientific service & Internet: proceedings of the 21th All-Russian Scientific Conference (September 23-28, 2019, Novorossiysk)"
Authors: Gorbunov-Possadov M. M.
Russian scientific publication — 2019
The article presents the events that took place last year in the world of Russian scientific publications. There is a slow slide towards paid access of some academic journals turned in open access in 2018. The European Union has announced plan 'S' for the mass transition of scientific journals to open access. New models of the scientific publication are introducing. Reporting on publications requested by the Ministry of education and science in 2019 does not take into account the size of the readership of the article. Neither the Ministry of education and science, nor the Higher attestation commission (HAC) does not encourage publication in the public domain. In Russian Science Citation Index began the fight against widespread fraudulent trade in references to the article, but the HAC is not interested in this activity. A proliferation of contradictory the term 'self-plagiarism' has spread. This label is widely stigmatized authors and journals for multiple publications.
open access, plan 'S' administrative assessment of article, serial publications, online reader, h-index, Dissernet, self-plagiarism
Publication language: russian,  pages: 5 (p. 257-261)
Russian source text:
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About authors:
  • Gorbunov-Possadov Mikhail Mikhailovich, RAS