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Conference material: "Scientific service & Internet: proceedings of the 21th All-Russian Scientific Conference (September 23-28, 2019, Novorossiysk)"
Authors: Bagly A.P.
Web environment for program analysis and transformation onto reconfigurable architectures
Experience of designing different outlines for web-based development environment (IDE) for Optimizing parallelizing system and compiler for reconfigurable architecture is described. Designed system is based on existing tools and frameworks such as Jupyter Notebook and Eclipse Che. Set of requirements for Optimizing parallelizing system components is developed to make it possible to integrate them into web-based development environment accessible through the Internet. Designing portable environment for compiler development, compiler technology demonstration and teaching parallel program development is also described.
integrated development environment, parallelizing compiler, containerization, wed IDE, cloud computing, FPGA
Publication language: russian,  pages: 9 (p. 76-84)
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About authors:
  • Bagly Anton Pavlovich,,  Southern Federal University