On the degree of:Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Specialty:05.13.11 - mathematical and software of computers, complexes and computer networks
Dissertation council:Д 002.024.01
Author:Frolov V.A.
Methods of solving Global Illumination problem on GPUs
Relevance of the work – realistic computer graphics in architecture, interior design, industrial design, advertisement, animation and cinema.
Goal of the work – development of new global illumination calculation methods based on biased evaluation of illumination integral. Creation of render system that implements developed methods.
1. A new algorithm for work distribution in application to Monte-Carlo Path Tracing was proposed.
2. A new method for Irradiance Cache construction on GPU was proposed. The proposed method reduces render time by 10 times with approximately the same quality of rendered images in comparison to Monte-Carlo Path Tracing on GPUs.
3. A new method for building multiple-reference octrees on GPU in application to photon mapping and irradiance caching was proposed. This method allows reduction of the photon gathering time for 2 to 5 times compared to existing methods on GPU.
Ray Tracing, Global Illumination, GPU, Irradiance Caching, Photon Mapping, Multiple-reference octree, GPU work distribution