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Synopsis, Moscow, 2015
On the degree of: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Specialty: 05.13.11 - mathematical and software of computers, complexes and computer networks
Dissertation council: Ä 002.024.01
Author: Ryabinin K.V.
Methods and tools for adaptive multiplatform scientific visualization systems development
The PhD thesis is devoted to the development methods of multiplatform scientific visualization systems equipped with high-level tools to integrate with third-party solvers. The original methods and tools are proposed to ensure the following: adaptive integration of scientific visualization systems with third-party solvers (based on ontology engineering); multiplatform portability (solving the graphical user interface double design problem while preserving high rendering performance); distributed rendering between client and server (balancing adaptively the network load); adaptive antialiasing (reducing 3 times the user interactions’ response latency of a rendering system compared with known antialiasing methods). SciVi scientific visualization system is developed based on the methods and tools proposed. This system was being successfully used to solve some real scientific visualization problems in different fields of science as well as applied in Russian IT-company Nulana Ltd.
scientific visualization, multiplatform portability, mobile devices, adaptation to solvers, distributed rendering, antialiasing
Publication language: russian,  pages: 23
Research direction:
Programming, parallel computing, multimedia
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About authors:
  • Ryabinin K.V.,  ,  ÎÎÎ 'Íüþëàíà', ã. Ïåðìü