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Article, Moscow, 2012
Сборник ''Физические и математические модели плазмы и плазмоподобных сред''
Authors: Zakirov A.Vl., Levchenko V. D.
The effective 3D modeling of electromagnetic waves' evolution in actual problems of nanooptics
We offer the extensive program code for modeling up-to-date artificial optical and electromagnetic devices and materials such as photonic crystals, metamaterials (Left-Handed Materials), streamlined surfaces and other different nanoscale structures. The code is based on the Local-recursive nonlocal-anisochronous algorithm (LRnLA), which makes possible to reach the high rate of program's effectiveness. ''Effective'' algorithm means such one, that has real rate coming up to theoretical. In the work the implementation of such algorithm is offered for Maxwell's equations' modeling. In the capacity of difference scheme the Finite-difference time-domain method (FDTD) is used. One may set different boundary conditions, including Perfectly Matched Layer (PML). It is developed the methods for modeling of different media types (by means of different material equations): dispersive and non-dispersive materials, conductors, materials with negative refractive index (Left-Handed Media), anisotropic and hyperbolic media, cloacking devices, nonlinear media. Our code also can be applied for different optical diagnostics in researching and examination of cultural heritage in art and painting. In such way we can simulate optical experiments involving pictures, paintings and other art objects.
Publication language: russian,  pages: 12
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics
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About authors:
  • Zakirov A.Vl.
  • Levchenko Vadim Dmitrievich, RAS