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Article, Moscow, 2012
æóðíàë 'Áåçîïàñíîñòü Åâðàçèè' — 2011. — ¹2. — Ñ.366-378
Authors: Mikhailov A. P.
The mathematical model of duumvirate
This paper proposes a simple model of duumvirate in the 'powersociety' system. The notion of “defect of power” – the measure of the efficiency of the hierarchy – is introduced. It is shown that there exists such range of parameters of an hierarchy that the functional of “defect of power” reaches its minimum. Within this range of parameters a political race of duumvirs can take place, but it will not lead to the political instability.
«power-society» system, duumvirate
Publication language: russian,  pages: 13
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics
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About authors:
  • Mikhailov Alexander Petrovich, RAS