Computer investigation of dynamics and motion control of the electro-mechanic climbing robot
The problem on overcoming by six-legged insectomorphic robot of the standalone high obstacles and their combinations is investigated. The line of obstacles includes the vertical cylindrical column and two shelves with the vertical walls. The shelves are connected on the level of the supporting plates by the narrow beam. One of the shelves stands right up to the column. The different maneuvers depending on the combination of the heights of the shelf and the column are analyzed. During the motion on the beam the middle legs are used as a flywheel for stabilization on the phases when the static stability is lost. The problem on climbing to the vertical right angle (corner of a house) is investigated as well. The robot’s feet are not equipped by the vacuum suckers or by the others special devices, construction of motions made with the assumption that there is a Coulomb friction only at the supporting points. Some results of the 3D computer simulation of the full robot’s dynamics are presented.