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Article, Dubna, Russia, 2004
Международная конференция «Распределенные вычисления и Грид-технологии в науке и образовании» 29 июня - 2 июля 2004 г.
Authors: Huhlaev E.V.
Security of Grid-Dispatcher Implemented by Grid-Service Tools
The Grid-dispatcher – centralized management system of computing tasks in the Grid – is developed in KIAM RAS. The project proceeds from the notion of the Grid as the set of the sites, accessible by means of instrumental environment Globus Toolkit 3 (GT3).Describes functionality and architecture of the Grid-dispatcher which network components are implemented by means of GT3 grid-services. States the security system GT3 GSI based on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). The security model of the Grid-dispatcher implemented by means of GT3 GSI is considered.
Grid, Globus Toolkit, management of computing tasks, security certificate, proxy-certificate, delegation, authentication, authorization
Publication language: russian,  pages: 8
Research direction:
Programming, parallel computing, multimedia
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About authors:
  • Huhlaev E. V.,  KIAM RAS