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Conference material: "Proceedings of the 7th International Conference “Futurity designing. Digital reality problems” (February 15-16, 2024, Moscow)"
Authors: Zhuravlev D.V., Smolin V.S.
From the neural networks miracle – to AGI
Seven reasons for the superiority of neural network algorithms over heuristic approaches are shown. It is argued that such properties are not miraculous, as they provide solutions to a limited range of problems, unlike AGI, which is aimed at solving significantly complex problems and finding new knowledge without human participation. The conclusion is justified that we should not expect the emergence of consciousness in the process of simple development of systems, since the creation of AGI is possible only when the understanding of the complex world is achieved.
neural network algorithms, decomposition, AGI
Publication language: russian,  pages: 29 (p. 96-124)
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About authors:
  • Zhuravlev Dmitry Vladimirovich,,  CIFROMED LLC
  • Smolin Vladimir Sergeevich, RAS