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Conference material: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision “Graphicon” (19-21 September 2023, Moscow)"
Authors: Nosov N.V.
Digital Earth and Big Data: Development VR
The article considers important aspects for the Digital Earth project: Virtual reality application technology as an example of technology using big data. The author pays attention to the history of the emergence of virtual reality, as well as the areas of its application. The article emphasizes the importance and prospects of the technology. Several examples of the use of virtual reality, which are of great importance, are considered. The data and forecasts on investment investments in the development of virtual reality are presented. The statistics not only demonstrate the main areas of application, but also the difficulties faced by both companies and users. Particular attention is paid to one of the important issues that are highlighted by the Digital Earth community within the framework of promising areas of development – the security of society. The use of virtual reality opens up new opportunities for both the armed forces and the judiciary.
Digital Earth, legal proceedings, public security, VR
Publication language: russian,  pages: 9 (p. 678-686)
Russian source text:
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About authors:
  • Nosov N.V.,  S.I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Natural Science and Technology