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Conference material: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision “Graphicon” (19-21 September 2023, Moscow)"
Authors: Kupriyanova K.S., Rylov K.A., Kamenskiy A.V.
Influence of Non-Equilateral Apertures on the Characteristics of Digital Filters 'Truncated Pyramid' Laplacian and 'Double Pyramid' Laplacian
In the process of processing digital images, an important role is played by increasing the efficiency of the applied methods and processing algorithms. One way to improve efficiency is to convert spatial filters into recursively separable digital filters. The use of such filters makes it possible to reduce the number of computational operations. This article presents digital recursively-separable Laplacian filters 'truncated pyramid' and 'double pyramid' converted into non-equilateral form. This transformation allows to further reduce the number of computational operations and speed up the processing. Also, the article discusses the principle of operation of these filters, their structure and operation algorithm. Based on the results of image processing by a digital recursively separable filter Laplacian 'double pyramid', the quality of processing by a filter with a base mask of 7x7 elements and non-equilateral apertures is evaluated and compared.
Digital image processing, recursively separable filters, truncated pyramid Laplacian, double pyramid Laplacian, resolution, peak signal-to-noise ratio
Publication language: russian,  pages: 10 (p. 482-491)
Russian source text:
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About authors:
  • Kupriyanova K.S.,,  TUSUR
  • Rylov K.A.,,  TUSUR
  • Kamenskiy A.V.,,  TUSUR