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11.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 69, Moscow, 2011
Authors: Batkhin A. B.
Title: Stability of the certain multiparameter Hamiltonian system
12.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 68, Moscow, 2011
Authors: Gavrikov M. B., Tayurskiy A. A.
Title: The nonlinear absorption of Alfven wave in dissipative plasma
13.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 67, Moscow, 2011
Authors: Bukhshtab Y. A., Vorobjov A. A., Evteeva N. N.
Title: Methods of virtual editing in a distributed environment of video and audio streams, presented in various formats
14.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 66, Moscow, 2011
Authors: Goryuchkina I. V.
Title: The Picard solution of the sixth Painlev'e equation and asymptotic forms found by Power Geometry. Preprint of the Keldysh Institute of Applied
15.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 65, Moscow, 2011
Authors: Sofronov I. L., Voskoboynikova O.I., Zaitsev N. A.
Title: transparent boundary conditions on Non-uniform Grids for 2d Maxwell Equations with Dispersion
16.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 64, Moscow, 2011
Authors: Andrianov A. N., Bugerya A. B., Efimkin K. N., Koludarov P.I.
Title: Modular architecture of NORMA+ compiler
17.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 63, Moscow, 2011
Authors: Podlazov A. V.
Title: Two-dimensional self-organized critical sandpile models with anisotropic dynamics of the activity propagation
18.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 62, Moscow, 2011
Authors: Rykov Y. G.
Title: A variational representation of generalized solutions to quasi-linear hyperbolic systems and possible algorithms for hybrid supercomputers
19.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 61, Moscow, 2011
Authors: Bruno A. D., Parusnikova A.V.
Title: Periodic and Elliptic Asymptotic Forms of Solutions to the Fifth Painlev'e Equation
20.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 60, Moscow, 2011
Authors: Bruno A. D.
Title: Power-elliptic expansions of solutions to an ODE
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