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11.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 80, Moscow, 2004
Authors: Prokopov G.P.
Title: Approximation of Equation of State Presented by Table to Calculate Gas-Dynamics Problems
12.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 79, Moscow, 2004
Authors: Borovin G. K., Kostyuk A.V., Seet G.
Title: Computer Simulation of Hydraulic Control of Exoskeleton
13.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 78, Moscow, 2004
Authors: Bukhshtab Y. A., Vorobjov A. A., Evteeva N. N.
Title: Development of Software Tools Providing Interactive Editing of Streaming Video
14.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 77, Moscow, 2004
Authors: Akhmetshin R. Z., Efimov G. B., Zhirnov V.A., Eneev T.M.
Title: On Ability of Missions to the Main Belt Asteroids of Spacecraft with Electro-Rocket Propulsion
15.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 76, Moscow, 2004
Authors: Ryaben'kii V. S., Turchaninov V. I.
Title: Nonreflecting artificial boundary conditions on the base of lacunas using for the calculation of a long time Maxwell’s equation’s decisions
16.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 75, Moscow, 2004
Authors: Bruno A. D., Petrovich V.Yu.
Title: Singularities of solutions to the first Painleve equation
17.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 74, Moscow, 2004
Authors: Boguslavskiy A. A., Sazonov V. V., Saigiraev Kh.S., Smirnov A.I., Sokolov S. M.
Title: Automatic vision-based monitoring of a spacecraft docking to the orbital station
18.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 73, Moscow, 2004
Authors: Yelenina T.G., Ustyugova G.V.
Title: The Simulation of the MHD-Flows which Generated by Moving of the Conductive Plane in the Perfect Conductive Plasma
19.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 72, Moscow, 2004
Authors: Abakumov M.V.
Title: Some Methods for Grid Data Vizualization
20.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 71, Moscow, 2004
Authors: Platonov A. K., Serbenyuk N.S.
Title: The Obstacle Detecting by TV Camera during Mobile Robot Moving
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