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1.  KIAM Preprint № 80, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Plekhanov A.V., Ryzhov S.Y.
Title: Mechanical interaction of a projectile body with a bore walls of an electromagnetic accelerator. Parametric study
2.  KIAM Preprint № 76, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Bakeer A.E., Poveschenko Y.A., Kazakevich G.I., Podryga V.O., Rahimly P.I., Amosov D.V., Terekhov A.P., Gavrichenko A.K.
Title: Two-dimensional modeling of filtration in hydrate-containing formations taking into account gravity on irregular grids
3.  KIAM Preprint № 44, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Ovchinnikov M.Y., Korneev K.R., Perepukhov D.G., Mashtakov Y.V., Trofimov S.P., Petrukovich A.A., Korablev O.I., Zarubin D.S., Ryabogin N.V., Mamedov T.T., Koshlakov A.V., Yudanov N.A., Dronov P.A., Nesterenko A.N., Pridannikov S.Y., Tolstel O.V., Shurshakov V.A., Ivanova O.A.
Title: Mission to Mars based on the universal small-size platform equipped with an electric propulsion engine
4.  KIAM Preprint № 25, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Plekhanov A.V., Ryzhov S.Yu.
Title: Mechanical interaction of a projectile body with a bore walls of an electromagnetic accelerator. Numerical solution
5.  KIAM Preprint № 10, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Bakeer A.E., Poveschenko Y.A., Podryga V.O., Rahimly P.I.
Title: Spatial filtration model of hydrate-containing media with a non-classical law of motion
6.  KIAM Preprint № 3, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Vedenyapin V.V., Aushev V.M., Gladkov A.O., Izmailova Y.A., Rebrova A.A.
Title: Mathematical theory of the accelerated expansion of the Universe based on the principle of least action and the Friedman and Milne-McCrea model
7.  Article, Moscow, 2024 Publisher: Сборник "Горизонты математического моделирования и теория самоорганизации. К 95-летию со дня рождения С.П. Курдюмова"
Authors: Kochkarov A.A., Kulikov A.K., Rumyantsev B.V.
Title: Agrobiotechnologies: Experience in using and prospects for using artificial intelligence
8.  Conference material: "Horizons of mathematical modeling and theory of self-organization. On the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the birth of S.P. Kurdyumova"
Authors: Kochkarov A.A., Kulikov A.K., Rumyantsev B.V.
Title: Agrobiotechnologies: Experience in using and prospects for using artificial intelligence
9.  Conference material: "Youth Scientific Conference “New horizons of applied mathematics - 2024”"
Authors: Rodionov P.V.
Title: Study of the acoustic characteristics of the wing of a prototype supersonic passenger aircraft in landing mode
10.  Conference material: "Proceedings of the 10th Russian Conference “Computational Experiment in Aeroacoustics and Aerodynamics” (September 16-21, 2024, Svetlogorsk)"
Authors: Duben A.P., Kozubskaya T.K., Rodionov P.V.
Title: Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Acoustic Field Generated by a Wing of Supersonic Business Jet in Landing Configuration
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