Web Library Publication Searh | Ðóññêèé | |
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Search results | Records found: 99 |
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1. |
Authors: Zaitsev N. A. Title: Truncated transparent boundary conditions on open boundaries for isotropic media |
2. |
Authors: , Orlov Y. N., Title: On the data space transformation for initial Cauchy problem with blow-up solutions |
3. |
Authors: Pavlovsky V. E., Title: Modular microcontroller robots control system ROBOCON-1 |
4. |
Authors: Pavlovsky V. E., Title: Tone acoustic communication of robots |
5. |
Authors: Pavlovsky V. E., Title: Neural localization systems for android |
6. |
Authors: Goryuchkina I. V. Title: On multiple and non-multiple solutions of algebraic ODEs |
7. |
Authors: Platonov A. K., , , Pranichnikov V. E., Emel'yanov S. N. Title: Methods of Biomechatronic for Human Arm Stimulator |
8. |
Authors: Ivanov A. A., Martynov A. A., Medvedev S. Y., Poshekhonov Y. Y. Title: The SPIDER code. Solution of tokamak plasma equilibrium problem with anisotropic pressure and rotation |
9. |
Authors: Strakhovskaya L. G. Title: Evolution model of the self-gravitating gas disk |
10. |
Authors: Aristova E. N., Pestryakova G. A., , Stoynov M. I. Title: Neutron flux computation in a reflector with new carbonic materials |
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