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Article collection "Mathematical Problems of Cybernetics" №12, Moscow, 2003
Authors: Red'kin N.P.
Single fault detection tests for logic networks under inverse faults of gates
We consider logic networks over an arbitrary finite functionally complete basis. We permit single inverse faults of gates in networks, when a gate in a faulty state implements negation of a function corresponding to it which it implements in a good state. We constructively obtain that one can implement any Boolean function by an irredundant network permitting a single fault detection test consisting of not more than three vectors.
logic networks, inverse faults, single fault detection tests
Publication language: russian,  pages: 14 (p. 217-230)
Research direction:
Mathematical problems and theory of numerical methods
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About authors:
  • Red'kin Nikolay Petrovich,  ,  Механико-математический факультет МГУ, Кафедра дискретной математики