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Article collection "Mathematical Problems of Cybernetics" №9, Moscow, 2000
Authors: Buharaev R.G.
Automaton methodology for studying random sequneces
The theory of random codes is usually built within the framework of classic probability theory, yet the present article uses a different approach. The author considers the theory of random sequences as a special case of the theory of multiple tact channels having an input alphabet with a single symbol. This allows to obtain many results on random sequences as special cases of more general theorems on probabilistic automata. The present article outlines the structural properties of random sequences as well as constructive ways of synthesizing them. New ways of random sequence classification are suggested and their deterministic automata transformations are investigated and a series of special random sequence classes are described, for instance the class of random sequences with a finite number of states and the class of homogenous finite Markov chain functions.
probabilistic automaton, random code, transformations by automata, Markov chain
Publication language: russian,  pages: 16 (p. 43-58)
Research direction:
Mathematical problems and theory of numerical methods
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About authors:
  • Buharaev Rais Gatich,  Казанский государственный университет, факультет вычислительной математики и кибернетики